Woah! UFC 116 Coming This July! Watch IT

June 29, 2010
That's right! Just right before the independence day, on the 3rd of July heavyweights of the ultimate fighting championship will be happening in the state of Nevada. That is the UFC 116 Lesnar vs. Carwin live at the MGM Grand Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada. I am so excited as two heavy and skilled fighters will be fighting with all their hearts and muscles out. Brock Lesnar is back from sickness to fight the interim title holder Shane Carwin. I am really eager to watch this specially as Lesnar is back. Now...

It Hurts Me Too! Next on True Blood Season 3

June 27, 2010
The next episode for the 3rd season of True Blood is entitled as "It Hurts Me Too." The intensity of the episode continues as Sookie still tries to look for Bill who is about take allegiance to the Mississippi "beasts." Sookie will be going to Jackson, Mississippi in the company of Alcide, a werewolf bodyguard assigned by Eric to protect her to look for Bill. Jason on the other hand was distracted from his police examination. Bud have reached the end of his rope and Arlene will cope up with unexpected...

I'll Gonna Watch Knight and Day by Tom and Cameron

June 22, 2010
That's right! They've announced that the action-comedy movie by Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz will be out earlier than it was previously set. The Knight and Day will be out for a bite on June 23 instead of the original release date June 25. This is due to the warm "welcome" of this film by the different movie critics and movie goers. The buzz is that it will hit hard on the chart and will be one of the great movie that you'll definitely don't want to miss. In this film, Cameron Diaz met Tom Cruise...

Watch The Last Airbender Online for Free

June 21, 2010
One of the film that I am really so eager to watch aside from Stephenie Meyer's Eclipse movie, is the newest film directed by M. Night Shyamalan entitled "The Last Airbender." Honestly I am really fan of different animation turn into film especially it it was incredibly adapted well. I have seen a lot of featurettes of this movie and its trailers. It shows some great scenes that really made me so excited about the film. The special effects, the panoramic scenes and the action packed sequence of...

Will Twilight Eclipse Hit that Hard?

June 17, 2010
I am just wondering right now if the upcoming sequel of the Twilight series, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse will hit that hard as compared to its predecessors namely Twilight and New Moon. It seems that the preparation of fans are felts all over the world as the film buzz is roaming around not like any film you have heard before. It is all over Facebook, all over twitter and blog movie reviews are spreading rapidly. The Twilight Saga: Eclipse still stars the trio that made the Twilight series namely...

Excited to Watch True Blood Season 3 Episode 2!

June 16, 2010
After watching the premiere episode of True Blood Season 3, I am very excited and eager to watch True Blood Season 3 episode 2 entitled "Beautifully Broken" where Bill escaped from his captors and realized that he is in Mississippi, a very unfriendly territory for his kind. The episode that I watched really surpassed my expectations and I am excited to watch it specially how Sookie desperately look for his love of his life and how Eric and Sookie looks each other. Now where to watch TB 3 episodes?...

Rug Pad, Vinyl Tile and My Home

June 15, 2010
I've been very busy because I am trying to change how the room of my new house will look like. This is the reason why I bought several rugs from the company that have been providing the most elegant natural rugs in the world. Well, I am planning to put vinyl tiles at the upper level of my home where I have a small office with several PCs. Now with that plan in mind and with the presence of elegant rugs I bought, I also decided to get some rug pads for the carpets to protect them from easy damage...

True Blood Season 3 Episode 1 Will Premiere Sunday

June 12, 2010
This post is just to remind you that your favorite sexy and hot vampire TV series will be going back to your screen this coming Sunday, June 13, 2010. As I have mentioned on my previous True Blood post that the episodes will be much hotter than ever. Every single fans of Eric-Sookie-Bill love triangle would be very happy on its return. Now if you happened to drop by here and looking for place to watch True Blood season 3 then you should proceed immediately to Telepisodes.com. The site will be willing...

How to Watch UFC 115 Live Online for Free?

June 3, 2010
You might want to watch the upcoming mixed martial events this coming June 12, 2010 dubbed as "UFC 115: Liddell vs. Franklin." It will be held at the City of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada at General Motors Place beginning at 10pm ET /7pm PT. It features the legendary fighters Chuck Liddell and Rich Franklin. Its one of the most exciting fight ever and due to this, they make the tickets to sold out in less than 30 minutes. That was amazing right? Now how to watch UFC 115 live online for free?...