Pretty Little Liars Episode 8 this Season 1

July 27, 2010
Well the previous episodes of the "Pretty Little Liars" have been very exciting and one by one the secrets are revealing to the viewers/fans of PLL. The four girls have finally come to a point that they have accept Allison's death as her memorial service is about to come. Complications happen when Allison's brother wants to do more attending the funeral. The Pretty Little Liars episode 8 will air tonight July 27, 2010 at 8pm ET and watch out for the exciting happenings for the 4 girls. Now where...

Salt and True Blood this Week

July 24, 2010
I really missed Angelina Jolie's movie. The last movie that I've watched that she was part was the "Wanted" movie and that was a long time ago and now with the upcoming Salt, I am so excited to watch Salt online or on movie theaters. However, I might watch first the True Blood season 3 episode 6 this weekend and will watch the said movie then. What I like with Salt is that its filled with suspense and action that only Angelina Jolie can deliver. On the other hand, True Blood is also on my line...

I Want To Watch Pretty Little Liars Episode 7 Tonight!

July 21, 2010
Pretty Little Liars is on its 7th episode with the "The Homecoming Hangover." When I saw the Pretty Little Liars episode 6 last week, I became more interested to watch this TV series composed by cute and very attractive ladies. Imagine the last episode ended with question mark which let you crave for more. Now with Pretty Little Liars episode 7, the four girls, Spencer, Aria, Emily and Hanna faced another horizon in their suspense thriller issues with "A" and the happenings in their lives. The...

I'm Watching Inception After True Blood This Week

July 18, 2010
Did you watch Inception already? Me I am thinking this week would be a nice time to watch it but I am still waiting for True Blood season 3 episode 5 which is entitled as "Trouble." I just want to watch how the search for Bill will be going on with Sookie and Eric. It seems that the intensity of the TV series is giving me some sort of "craving" to watch for more True Blood episodes. Oh well, the series will be on Sunday evening so tentatively, I could watch Inception on Monday. How about you what's...

Inception Star Leonardo Dicaprio to Visit the Philippines

July 13, 2010
The Inception lead actor Leonardo Dicaprio will be visiting the Philippines this coming August 2010 for an environmental-awareness project in Albay. He will stay at the ultra-luxurious resort in Misibis Bay located on Cagraray Island in Bacacay, Albay Province, Bicol. Despite that his movie "Inception" will be showing this coming weekend, it is not his primary reason why he will go to the country. He is here for the said project in Albay and will stay for couple of days. I first seen Dicaprio on...

After Eclipse, There's "INCEPTION"

July 9, 2010
After the summer blockbuster hit, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, there is another movie that will surely grab a top spot in the box office chart this July and that is the newest Christopher Nolan film, Inception. The said movie is composed by the biggest name in the showbiz world namely the Titanic superstar Leonardo Dicaprio with his powerhouse costars Ken Watanabe, Cillian Murphy, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Cotillard, Ellen Page, Tom Hardy, Dileep Rao, Tom Berenger and Michael Caine. Inception...

Predators are Coming! And They're Ready to Hunt!

July 5, 2010
Woah! Another sequel of "the hunter and prey" will be showing this July as the opening of Predators is about to coming. I am really excited to see again Mr. Black killing humans one by one and how the "men" team tries to counter the killing instincts of the aliens who love actions and killing spree. Predators stars Topher Grace, Adrien Brody, Alice Braga, Danny Trejo, Laurence Fishburne, Derek Mears, Brian Steele, Walton Goggins and directed by Nimrod Antal. This another Antal film is a must watch...

I Can't Watch Eclipse Yet!

July 4, 2010
Ah! I really can't watch Eclipse yet today because I am really occupied with the different online activities that I have. It seems that my busy days are really not ending. Even I have found a way to watch Eclipse online, it is really still difficult for me to find free time to watch it. However, I am really eager to see it for myself so that I could react to what I have mentioned on my previous post regarding a friend's reaction about the newest vampire film by Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson,...

Eclipse Sucks or Just Wow?

July 3, 2010
The romantic vampire movie The Twilight Saga: Eclipse hit the cinema this week and it is "just Wow!" breaking several records in the box office chart. This only show how the film's reception to millions of viewers around the world. Now, a friend of mine watch the movie yesterday and he really find the movie "sucks" as in it doesn't meet his expectations. He said that the casts just take the film by just posing "cute." Well of course, I can't make any judgment about the movie yet b'coz I wasn't able...