Blogging as a Job

March 30, 2009
Its our Graduation yesterday and its another great moment for students. Its another stage of their lives and another posts to make on their Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009 blogs. I am trying to open the pictures on my cellphone to embed it here but I can't. The USB cable seems to malfunction and its not recognize my system. Maybe I will just embed it later on my next post. Well regarding Blogging as a Job, this might be applicable to someone or might not to others. I have known several people who...

Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009: Don't Stop from Trying!

March 27, 2009
A lot of Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009 people today quit from blogging because they were not able to immediately achieve the things that they hope for. They thought that by simply blogging, you can easily be successful and get what you want. It is not that actually. With the different reasons that came up for people to divert their attention to online activities such as economic recessions, lost of jobs, unemployment and other reasons, competitions online are becoming tough. Suppossedly when you...

Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009 Summer Escapade

Well, you've been blogging about Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009 for several months already. You have been in your PC for quite sometime (not only because of the HCB 2009), you deserve to have a vacation this coming summer of 2009. You need to have a break from the hectic schedule of your life. You should treat yourself from time to time and give yourself a nice and comfortable place where you can relax and refresh your mind. A summer vacation for several days will do it for you. Don't hesitate to...

Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009 Commenting Guidelines

March 25, 2009
One way of promoting your blogs and increasing the chance of your Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009 blogs to be visible on search engines is through blog commenting. It is through blog commenting that you both gain back links to your blogs at the same time you learn something from other blogs. However, this is the reason why some are using this mechanisms to spam the web. Now, some blogs instantly approve comments but other blogs are turning their comment moderation on. This mean that before your comments...

Official is Back with a New Design

March 21, 2009
After a month or so that the official website of Capiz was inaccessible, it is now back with a stunning new appearance and green theme. The provincial government have already put an effort to make the website updated and appear to be more competitive in terms of design compared to other provinces of the country. I salute the guys behind this effort to improve the image of the province by having a website that we can visit and read for updates about the happening of the province in Capiz. Hectic...

Infrequent Blog Post

March 18, 2009
Guys as you can see, I am not posting regularly or daily with this blog. I can't manage to do that because I am really busy with several projects on hand plus its our finals this week and I need to prepare several grading reports for several subjects that I am handling in a private school in Capiz. That makes me not frequently making any posts in a regular basis. Well maybe this is the sign of "old age." The older I am the higher responsibilities are in hand. Today, I tried to make a post because...

How Bloggers Earn from Blogging?

March 16, 2009
Listen Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009 members, participants and enthusiasts, today I will discuss about things that will change your life forever. I will discuss today the different methods how to earn from simply blogging. One reason why blogging became popular around cyberspace is because of its lucrative characteristics. That's right a lot of people, gramatically gifted or not were lured to create their blogs merely for the purpose of earning from it. Now, what are the different avenues or methods...

Bloggers Promote Your Blogs

March 11, 2009
Now you have done it already: you have customized your blogger blog sites, you've joined several online communities, you observed proper ethics and attitudes in blogging and you have already chosen a specific topic to discuss on your Blogger blogs. What now? What's the next step after this? Well, I think you are ready for the next level and that is how you will make your sites and articles be visible on a lot of readers. Nah, I will not discuss about how to spend wisely in television or radio advertisements...

Bloggers Join an Online Community

March 5, 2009
Capiznon bloggers, there are a lot of things that you can do to increase your visibility on the net. One thing is by joining different social networking websites and forums that allows you to build or join an online community. Some of you have already done this by joining to some popular social networking websites in the country. I am referring to your Friendster account. That's right, you are uploading your pictures, showcasing it, adding and seeking new friends, sending your private messages to...