Have you watched the premier episode of Pacquiao vs. Cotto 24/7? Well, I've watched it and seen several footage of the training of the two fighters for the preparation of the upcoming event of the two fighters. If you weren't able to watch it then, try to go
HERE. I don't want to spoil your moment of enjoying it but I will tell you what you can expect from episode 1. It contains the drama behind the training of Pacquiao due to the typhoon Pharma then Cotto's first defeat and his training where also featured on the said event.
Now, for the episode 2 of Pacquiao/Cotto 24/7, it is scheduled to air on HBO on October 31 at 11PM ET/PT and expect for another series of great documentary of the fight. For the rest of the schedule of the reality series, you can check on Telepisodes' post about this:
Pacquiao/Cotto 24/7.
Update: You can watch
Pacquiao Cotto 24/7 Episode 2 now on Telepisodes.com.
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