Camelot and Game Of Thrones - Two Series to Watch Out this April

March 28, 2011
April is a really good month for TV series to start-up. No sports events that will steal the show and almost all the series will return from their original time slot. When I check on TELEPISODES.COM, I found that aside from the return of my favorite series there are several new shows that will be take the stage for the first time as they bring entertainment to a much higher level. I am referring to another show that will touch the life of King Arthur and his adventure that is said by the network...

Where Will I Watch Pacquiao vs. Mosley Fight Online or Offline This Coming May?

March 24, 2011
The Pacquiao vs. Mosley boxing event is one of the sports happening of 2011 that I am waiting to watch. It is a welterweight (147 pounds weight limit) championship match which will be held on May 7 (US time, May 8 in the Philippines) at the MGM in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Despite that I personally think that "Sugar" Shane Mosley can't take the Filipino champ, still I want to watch this match. Its Manny Pacquiao and it will surely be very exciting every round of the fight. Now there are a lot options...

Recession & Expenses: Importance of Expense Report Tracking

March 21, 2011
Tough times needs tough solution. The world faces recession and its been tough for everyone. This is the reason why expense tracking should be implemented with great vigilance considering the practicality of the implementation. Despite the tough economy, a lot of employees and businessmen are always on the go. Tracking of the activities and money spending are sometimes forgotten because of the inability to store proof of spending such as paper or digital receipts properly. This problem can be...

Sucker Punch and Source Code - Two Films That I Am Looking Forward To Watch!

March 16, 2011
I really love to watch movies and even collect them if I happened to drop by in a video store in our place. This year, there's a lot of stunning films that really made me to ask for more. The advancement of the technology makes the movie experience really amazing. But of course we can't get away with the creativity that the writers are using just to make a great story. Now, one of the movie that I want to see in theaters is the hard hitting all girls 3D film entitled Sucker Punch. It is described...

Making a Path for a Pet and My Sons with Stair Tread Rugs

March 15, 2011
I am just wondering if Chichi (my Shitsu pet) would love my newly purchased stair rugs from NAR and I hope she will not soil the rug. I did get the star treads and rugs from them not only for the dog but of course to enhance the appearance of our stairs and at the same time protecting my kid, his grand ma / pa and of course my lovely Chichi from accidental slippering. When I check on NaturalAreaRugs' site, I saw this cute pic and got an idea on what design that I chose. I trusted this company...

Watch The Latest Kung Fu Panda 2 Official Trailer

March 5, 2011
Did you remember the giant panda who discover the real secret and truth of martial arts named Po? Well he's back for another round of great animated series. If you miss the guy with his companions The Furious Five then watch the following movie trailer here. Your browser does not support IFRAME. Definitely, I will watch Kung Fu Panda 2 and even collect the toys that will surely go out as part of the movie's promotion and my kids will surely love this film. My son still have the toys that we bought...

March 2011 Boxing to Watch: Cotto vs. Mayorga Super Welterweight Match

March 2, 2011
After, Manny Pacquiao give up his super welterweight belt which he won during the Pacquiao vs. Margarito last November 2010 and prefer his welterweight title to be defended on Pacquiao vs. Mosley on 7th of May 2011, the title is open for boxers that will be willing to defend it and Miguel Cotto of Puerto Rico take that chance and grab the Super Welterweight title but it will not be easy as Ricardo Mayorga of Nicaragua challenge him for a 12-round match on March 12, 2011 (Eastern Time/US). The Cotto...