Watch Glee Season 2, Episode 9 Online

November 30, 2010
Every heart can sing a song, for those who wish to sing, will always find a song. It’s just up to the one who hears it whether to like it or not. Returning on its second season, Glee is a musical comedy television series that has been the ultimate favorite of most viewers across the globe. The series airs on Fox every Tuesday nights at 8PM. On the ninth episode of Glee for this season, to be aired on November 30, New Directions will set off to Sectionals and will go through a fierce competition...

Watch Medium Blood on the Tracks Online

Crime shows? It’s always nice to have Medium to crack my build- up ice because of boredom. Crime investigation shows becomes a typical crime show already because of various crime shows sprouted in the. Good thing Medium knows how to innovate. The show is a supernatural and dramatic television series. It follows Allison as she help an investigating team to solve crime problems with the use of her extraordinary ability. Most of us believe on third-eye or the sixth sense. It was said to possess a power...

I Want a Trip of Asian Sword Fight!

Nah! What I mean is that I like to watch this week a sword fight film that will impress me with action scenes and special effects that put details to every clash of the samurai sword. Luckily, there's a new film this week that will be released that satisfies my need to watch such kind of film. I am referring to The Warrior's Way. That's right, I saw its official HD trailer on and really impressed on how they made the film to be introduced in the Hollywood scenes. When I get into...

Watch Chuck vs. the Leftovers Online

November 29, 2010
I was bugged by some few ads whenever I watch my favorite show Chuck. I am not grumping about the networks means of grossing but, well, you’ll wait for a week then you’ll just able to watch the show for less than an hour including the commercial breaks, now, did you see what I mean? This watching scheme is troublesome, so I changed my old- school entertainment. You know, I love to watch Chuck, he’s kind of pony but smart. The show is quite good and I love it for having a bit shot of hilarity, tons...

Watch The Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 5 Online

November 28, 2010
Zombies? They dead right, but I hope you’re watching a creep show that wasn’t dead boring as these dead walkers. If you are looking for a new bloodbath scheme, probably you need to dig on AMC and watch The Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 5: Wildfire. Kirkman’s artwork really knows how to deliver goosebumps definitely it’s the kind of post- apocalyptic horror show most of us want to watch. Darabont, though took few credits from Kirkman’s zombiepiece, he still knows how to spill blood. What I love in...

Watch Glee Season 2 Episode 9: Special Education Online Free

November 26, 2010
Almost every person can sing, don’t they? But not all of those who can sing can become a member of the glee club. The Glee Club is one of the most popular clubs in a school campus where the members’ primary qualification or requirement is to have a good and powerful voice. They form a group to sing together, more of like a choir. Singing is what connects the group and the common passion among members. Glee is a biting musical comedy television series that has quickly become a pop-culture phenomenon,...

Watch Merlin Season 3 Episode 12: The Coming of Arthur Part 1 Online Free

November 25, 2010
Wizards, orcs, elves, dwarves and fairies, these are just few of some Celtic elements people used to love and the most famous Celtics that run through ages is the tale Merlin. Merlin is famous wizard that exist in Arthurian legend. He was first depicted by Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae in 1136. Since then, there are lots of tales that follows the famous wizard. Merlin served as mentor and advisor of King Arthur, he was also said to be the one who help the king to get magical artifact,...

Where To Watch Blue Bloods Season 1 Episode 10: After Hours Online For Free

November 24, 2010
“Blue Bloods”, I can’t figure what word could best fit for the show, but I’ll go for superb. We have seen lots of family shows, with some are good punchers of hilarity. Unlike family shows that compliment best for a laugh trip, Blue Bloods do bests as a family drama series, family interaction is absolutely good and CBS baked the show very well. There are lots of family shows scattered in your television, but there are only few that are exceptional and the rest are just more on talking, thought?-...

Watch Undercovers Season 1, Episode 9: A Night to Forget Online Free

November 23, 2010
Five years after leaving the CIA to open a small catering business and to finally live a simple and peaceful life, the Blooms were now thrown back to the world of espionage and secret missions. Their first and special mission upon going back to work is to locate and rescue Leo Nash, their good friend and fellow spy whose gone missing while on track of a Russian Arms dealer. Having the pact not to discuss their pasts with each other, the Blooms find surprising and new things their spouse in the course...

Watch The Event Season 1 Episode 10: Everything Will Change Online Free

Watching TV online provides a lot of advantages especially if you missed an episode of your all-time favorite television series. I found a new way on how to watch my favorite television series online for free. Just visit for you to watch The Event Season 1 Episode 10: Everything will Change online for free. The Event is an American television series with a substance combination of Sci-fi, politics and thrill, created by Nick Wauters for NBC. The show is being aired every Mondays, 9:00...

Robert Kirkman: Spilling Humans Blood is Quite Easy

AMC’s gruesome creep’s population grows faster than the survivors think- perhaps they are better when it comes with populating. I don’t know what’s the cause of AMC’s zombie spree, well, scientific reason would fit the spot. T- virus, Rage Virus? Where did they get this stuff, but actually rabdo virus, the main cause rabies could really change the host’s thinking abilities. These zombie viruses is quite similar to rabdo virus, aside of change in thinking possibilities, behavior changes is also evident...

Did You Watched the Walking Dead Episode 4 Today?

November 22, 2010
The buzzing about the latest zombie flick on TV today is getting stronger each day and with The Walkig Dead season 1 episode 4, it seems that it is getting more popular. Imagine how a bloody horror thriller became the midnight snack of TV oil burners and non-sleepers. I am really excited on its next episode and how things will happen with the survivors. I am thinking if this happens to me, what will be me and my family will be. Will I be that stronger to face such zombie apocalypse. I don't think...

Rapunzel is Back with Tangled!

November 20, 2010
The New Rapunzel Do you still remember the princess at the top of the tower, trapped and got the long hair? That's right, it is Rapunzel (not Princess Fiona of Shrek LOL). The last time that I have watched a movie or short TV show relating to this fairy tale was when I was in the primary education. I am so young when the last time I have seen this film with Rapunzel. Now, Disney bring back her with the latest film, Tangled. However, the all we know sweet, gentle and finesse princess that is saved...

Smallville, Fairies and Zombies

November 18, 2010
Honestly, I am not into zombies. I don't like the bloody gore of the undead walking, killing and eating stuff. But the last movie that I watched with zombies is the movie by Milla Jovovich, Resident Evil but that's it. Maybe I am more to superheroes and supernatural stuff like the upcoming Smallville season 10 episode 9 with a title "Patriot" and Supernatural season 6 episode 9 "Clap Your Hands, If You Believe" which are both more enticing in my own opinion. Smallville focus on government trying...

Stuff to See: HP7 Opens Ending!

November 15, 2010
Cool Poster of Harry Potter This is the week that every Harry Potter fans around the world are waiting for! Why? It is simply because the first part of the conclusion of the best selling novel turn into a great film, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 will start to be shown in theaters this week. I think in the US they will start showing it on November 19 but in the Asian countries like the Philippines they will release it November 18, 2010 maybe because of the time zone difference....

Great Weekend this Week, That's For Sure!

November 12, 2010
As the title said, that's what I see that will happen this weekend. I will enumerate each stuff and shows that I am sure that I will be busy. First, the 10th season of Smallville will be showing this weekend with Smallville season 10 episode 8 with a title "Abandoned." We all know that this TV series that surrounds the life of the young Clark Kent in the town named with the same title of the series, will be ending and this is the last of the young superman series. After the love story of Lois and...

Why I Will Watch Tron: Legacy?

November 11, 2010
New Tron Bike (2010 model) Aside from the first installment of the highly expected Harry Potter movie, the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1 film, one of the movie that catches my attention is the sci-fi action film, Tron: Legacy. This is the reason why I took time to watch Tron. Yup, I watch the low-tech but very impressive story line of the 1982 high-tech movie. If you were born today, you'll see the old Tron as simple 2D with a great adventure idea. But if you will watch Tron:...

Pacquiao vs. Margarito Watching Preparations

November 10, 2010
Its less than a week before the fight between the so-called Mexicutioner, Mexican Assassin, pound for pound king, fighter of the decade Manny Pacquiao versus the Tijuana's tornado and the person that claims that he will beat the Filipino champ, Antonio Margarito. As a sports and entertainment blogger, this is one of the special sports event that we usually happy for. This is because, at this time like this of the year, it is one of the biggest source of web traffic. That's why I am so excited...

House TV Series is Back with "Office Politics"

November 8, 2010
After several weeks of rest by Dr. House, the witty and funny guy from the fictional hospital is back with the newest episode and that is entitled as "Office Politics." I miss the House-Cuddy love story and the simple but really rocks unique treatment style of House. Tonight, Monday, November 8, 2010, I can watch House season 7 episode 6. Now, aside from this TV series, I will watch Megamind - the 3D animated film featuring Will Ferrel as the alien with a big head. I want to feel like a kid once...

Watch Lopez vs. Marquez Online at

November 6, 2010
If you love to watch Pacquiao vs. Margarito on November 13, then you might want to see this another fight that will involve an undefeated fighter from Puerto Rico. Yup, this November 6, 2010, Juan Manuel Marquez will be fighting against Rafael Marquez to defend his WBO Featherweight title. The fight will be held at the MGM Grand Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Now if you want to watch Lopez vs. Marquez online then you might want to visit for that. The site will provide...

Megamind to Watch This Weekend

November 5, 2010
My kids and I have in common. Nah not the facial appearance nor the nose, its what we like to watch in theaters. I like horror films but I usually watched animated movies such as this upcoming movie by Will Ferrel, MEGAMIND. I like the blue funny guy with a big head and even my son is laughing with this guy as he tries to be villain but it seems that he's not. This is the reason why I will watch Megamind movie, its quite different than the usual super hero vs. villa animation movie. Aside from...

Newest Harry Potter 7 Clip That I Watched Today

November 4, 2010
Today I was so excited to open about the latest update on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 from, however, this morning, I wasn't able to access the site and check their post on Facebook and said the they are having issues with their site. I have a feeling that the Harry Potter 7 fan site was DOS (denial of service) attacked. However, about a couple of hours (2 hours), the site came back and I have watched the newest clip from HP7 showing Ron and Harry talking about facing Lord...

Manny Pacquiao on Jimmy Kimmel Live (Nov. 1)

November 2, 2010
As the tradition before the big night for Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao, he visited the night show Jimmy Kimmel Live to promote the upcoming Pacquiao vs. Margarito match on November 13, 2010 and his shot for the 8th world boxing title. Jimmy is really funny! Specially when he said that he wants to be a Filipino too and said that Filipino politicians don't lie hehehe. Pacquiao even introduces his new 7th perfume and after that sing the song "Imagine" with Will Ferrel. Is Pacquiao really focus and...