Nic Cage a Knight in a Shining Armor

December 29, 2010
I never thought Nic Cage would that be so cocky with his steel chest plate and blunt rusty sword. I’ve seen him wearing a black suit and transport in a speed of mind, riding a bike while his head is on fire and lastly riding a flying steel eagle without using a pixie dust. He’s not that action antic myth like Bruce Lee who knows chop chop karate groove but still Nic knows how to how to please a movie fan. And now, Dominic Sena is plotting Nic on a medieval age to draw the Excalibur, just kidding,...

Moments Later On Pretty Little Liars

Friends are the most trusted persons that you could share your secrets with, are they? Watch Pretty Little Liars online and see how the friendship of four girls are tested due to their darkest secrets that are about to unravel. Airing every Tuesday nights at 8:00, this ABC Family teen drama television series will definitely catch the hearts of the viewers as it features the real essence of friendship. Pretty Little Liars is television show which centers on the lives of four beautiful and highly...

The Witch’s Spell

December 27, 2010
Lionsgate proudly brings you the most anticipated movie that will start the year 2011in a blast – Season of the Witch. The film is a supernatural thriller and action-filled adventure movie starring Nicolas Cage, Ron Perlman, Stephen Campbell Moore, Robert Sheehan, Claire Foy, Ulrich Thomsen, Stephen Graham and Christopher Lee and directed by Dominic Sena. In this supernatural thriller film, Nicolas Cage plays the role of a 14th century crusader who returns home from decades of fierce battles only...

Why Protect Rugs with Rug Pads?

December 22, 2010
My wife asked me this, why spend more for rug pads 'coz we already spend buying nice and elegant area rugs. She said if it is really necessary or it doesn't really matter at all. I told her that we should buy rug pads because it will prolong the life of the carpets and protect it from frequent misplace and at the same time protect our kids from accidentally slipped from the installed rug. This is the reason we bought this one. How about you would you prefer to buy a rug pad or not? Let us know...

Middle Age’s Season of the Witch

December 21, 2010
The Middle Ages is said to be the period in European History from the 5th up to the 15th century which followed the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476. During the 14th century, a homeland was devastated and infected by a Black Plague that frightened the whole community. From the directorial expertise of Dominic Sena, Watch Season of the Witch the Movie, an upcoming fantasy drama film that is set during the Middle Age. The cast of the movie includes Nicolas Cage, Ron Perlman, Claire Foy, Stephen...

Christmas in Theaters - Gulliver and the Fockers!

December 20, 2010
What will be your Christmas day on the 25th? Well, maybe you are planning to be with your family roaming around the city. Taking pictures, having fun while laughing, eating and dancing. That's the usual music and picture of the season. Aside from this, you might want to consider enjoying the day by watching movies with your family with heart warming and funny films such as the upcoming movie by Ben Stiller, Little Fockers and the latest adventure comedy film by Jack Black, Gulliver's Travels. Both...

Watch the Death-defying Adventures in Tron Legacy the Movie

December 16, 2010
Entering the world of fierce programs and gladiatorial games, watch Tron Legacy and be amazed how the film presents a video game world where actual humans do not only take control, but instead play as real characters and warriors of the game, TRON. The movie is produced by Walt Disney Pictures, directed by Joseph Kosinski, and is due for release on December 17, 2010. The story of “Tron Legacy” revolves around Sam Flynn (Garrett Hedlund), a 27-year-old rebellious teenage tech-savvy who looks after...

Get a Laugh from the movie Little Fockers

December 15, 2010
Being a father associates a lot of responsibilities at hand like getting a job in order to support the basic needs of the family. It has taken ten years, two little Fockers with wife Pam and countless hurdles for Greg Focker (Ben Stiller) to finally get “in” with his tightly wound father-in-law, Jack Byrnes (Robert De Niro), who is a retired CIA agent. As the third installment of film “Meet the Parents”, watch Little Fockers as it will make its debut in movie theaters just three days before Christmas...

Things You’ll Like about Tron: Legacy

December 13, 2010
It took nearly 30 years before Disney drags us back into the ‘Grid’ and the fuss makes the crowd giggling to watch Tron: Legacy. The 1982 original Tron was a myth and its iconographic sketch of virtual reality pioneers the remarkable computer graphics in 80’s which made it to be unforgettable. 28 long years, I am too young to remember the hype, but my anticipation of the movie Tron: Legacy fuels my excitement. I was toiling on a movie review, and I list down things that you’ll probably like abut...

My Home This Christmas

I'll be spending my Christmas as usual. I will be with my loving and every supportive family and my new home. I am planning to give a gift to my new house and planning to buy area rugs online for it. So as part of my research online on getting a very affordable yet high quality carpets that offers free shipping, I found the It is an online rug store that provides different collections of high quality design, elegant and world class carpets that you can image. You can visit...

Dexter Season 5 Finale, What Will Happen with Morgan?

December 11, 2010
Dexter have reached the end of the road again with the 12th episode of Dexter season 5 TV series which will be aired on Sunday night, December 12, 2010. It seems that our favorite dark hero serial killer will be lured in a trap that we don't know if he will be up and ready to face. Lumen, his current ally and the only person that understand him all the way on the whole episode seems to be in the great danger on this "The Big One" episode. Now, where you watch Dexter season 5 episode 12 online ...

Supernatural Brings "Appointment in Samarra"

December 10, 2010
Book Cover of Appointment in Samarra by John O'Hara My favorite show every Friday got a special treat for fans like me this weekend. As Supernatural season 6 episode 11 brings the newest episode without the face of Crowley with a title "Appointment in Samarra." Based on my research the title was based on 1934 novel by John O'Hara which surrounds about a certain death. Maybe this is the reason why the people behind Supernatural put this title as Dean will have a deal with Death to take back the...

Smallville Season 10 Episode 11:Icarus

December 9, 2010
The story of Superman has always been an all-time favorite of many people since then. Watching how Superman save the world gives some kind of delight among viewers. But the question is, who is Superman before he became a superhero? Watch Smallville at for you to know. Smallville is a television series which tells about the story of a young Clark Kent before he became Superman. Its broadcast schedule is every Friday, 8PM on the CW Television Network. Now on its Season 10, the premiere...

Vampire Full Moon Before Christmas!

That's what the vampire series is about to offer this Thursday night! The Vampire Diaries season 2 episode 11 is entitled as 'By The Light of The Moon' which will air this 9th of December. Full moon, vampire and werewolves will be seen here as Tyler's transformation is inevitable and this could be very messy specially with Christmas is coming, someone might be not joining us this season to eat the pre-Christmas dinner. Hmmm... I hope not. Based on the promotional trailer I've seen, it seems that...

Cartoon Network's Tower Prep Episode 8, Where to Watch Online?

December 7, 2010
Have you been to an odd school where strange creatures lurk beneath the shadows of the school campus? It is kind of a dumb thing when you plunge to enroll in that kind of spooky academy. But not for Ian, whether he likes it or not, he needs to pass all his subject and including the major one which is ‘survival’. Ian Archer, an ordinary teenager and a school kid who wakes up and finds himself in the strange academy of Tower Prep where education really matters. If you can’t catch the drift, it is...

Christmas Special from Glee

One of my favorite musical TV show is Glee and since Christmas time is fast approaching and the feeling of loving, family gathering seems so near, this series also made a special episode just for this season. Christmas carols will be surely played in the air on Glee season 2 episode 10 with an episode title "A Very Glee Christmas" for they will sing songs for the show such as the We Need a Little Christmas, Baby, It’s Cold Outside, Merry Christmas Darling, and Welcome Christmas. However, it seems...

I Want To Watch Disney's Tron Legacy

December 6, 2010
After 28 years, Jeff Bridges is back in the virtual world- that took few changes after its first kick off. If he is dealing with pistols and horses in the True Grit, well, not in Tron. Taking the other side, Tron is a fictional virtual game place which is programmed for some kind of an entertainment (death match). Bridges once played in Tron world (1982 Tron) and managed to escape. Tron: Legacy follows the story of the first franchise, Jeff Bridges as Kevin Flynn was sucked up in the world Tron...

Will There be Season 6 for Dexter?

December 4, 2010
Fans of Dexter series, it was predicted that there will be another season for the serial killer series that we all love and with the recent revelation of Dexter season 5 episode 11 entitled "Hop A Freighter" it seems that the renewal of one of the highest rating TV series today is imminent. But of course that is a prediction only. However, if that happens I am one of those who will really be happy to have one more Dexter Morgan. Well, watch the current episode later and let us see if it will really...

Kudos to AMC!

The whole season was great, indeed Darabont never fails Kirkman dragging his comic book on the television and gathered lots of credits from the televiewers. The Walking Dead is the best show ever, it is like a mini-movie and it is really a powerful show. And now there’s only one episode left and they were inching out from the first season. I can’t wait to watch The Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 6: TS-19.The climatic finale of the first season will air on December 5th. Since it aired, it became AMCS’s...

Odd Weekend This Friday on Smallville and Supernatural

December 3, 2010
I am so excited with the weekend shows specially the Smallville season 10 episode 10 - Luthor which will show a dark version of Clark Kent. A very creative presentation of the alternate universe which I usually read from comic books. Parent's way of nourishing and flourishing their children really affects how their kids will become in the future. This is what the current episode shows when the other Kal-el unluckily falls in the hands of the Luthors making a "monster" out of him. I'll definitely...

Next On Nikita Season 1 Episode 11: All the Way

Do you know about a secret government agency where they recruit young individuals and train them to become spies and assassins? It’s called the “Division”. Never heard of it? This is where Nikita had been trained to become one of the best assassins but later, she found out that even she can also be betrayed by what and whom she considered her “second home and family”. You’re probably be wondering also who Nikita is. Nikita is an American television drama series for the CW Television Network which...

TV Series Episodes to Watch this 1st Week of December

December 2, 2010
As the month of December opens, a lot of TV shows returns on your TV. Some of them are my personal favorite. One of the series that returns is Nikita season 1 episode 10 which is entitled as "Dark Matter" and my favorite lovely spy played by Maggie Q confronts with Michael after the previous episodes happenings where the latter was unable to fulfill his illogical revenge plot. The confrontation will be highly explosive as our Miky will blow the brains out of Nikita with a bazooka hehehe. Meanwhile,...

Watch Merlin Season 3, Episode 13 Online

December 1, 2010
Magic is said to be the act of altering things either by supernatural means or through knowledge of hidden natural laws unknown to science. In this fictional city in the Kingdom of Camelot, magic is intense and expressed. If you are fond of watching fantasy-adventure television shows, you’ll surely love the story of Merlin. Aired every Saturday night, 7:30 PM on BBC 1, the television series Merlin is based on the Arthurian Legends of the mythical wizard Merlin (Colin Morgan) and his relationship...